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Dragonfly Version 1.0 Roaches Version 2.2

Dragonfly Version 1.0

Script Numbers: 2 10 212 1, 2 10 212 4, 2 10 212 5, 2 10 212 7
Description: This COB injects an animal object. Dragonflies are very good nutrition, but they taste bad.
Credits: Sandra J.G. Linkletter a.k.a. Slink
TreeSprite Says: I love Slink's Dragonflies! I also liked the look of the new dragonflies that were added to C3 in the norn terrarium. Wanting the best of both worlds, I mashed together a new sprite file for use with Slink's Dragonflies.

Roaches Version 2.2

Script Numbers: 2 6 208 1, 2 6 208 7
Description: This COB injects an animal object. Roaches are very good nutrition, and taste good, too. They will only live in the damp and/or watery parts of Albia. There should always be a dozen (you know you can never get rid of roaches!). If you want some in one place, smash some that are somewhere else.
Credits: Sandra J.G. Linkletter a.k.a. Slink
