Slotbelegungen in Creatures 2

Achtung! Diese Slot-Liste wird seit Januar 2005 nicht mehr aktualisiert.

Brown Mouse Norns (ingame) Angel Norns Ettin/Worker (ingame)
Ettin-Weibchen (LifeKit1, CLabs)
C2 Bulbous Grendel (ingame)
Grendel-Weibchen (LifeKit1, CLabs)
White Haired Pixie Norns (ingame) Butterfly Norns Bilba Norns
Young Ettins
C1 Grendels
Horse Norns (ingame) Cow Norns Elf/Rainbow Ettins
Christmas Norns
Boney Grendels
Santa Norns Dale Norns (C3toC2) Shee
Gecko Ettins
Hell (Micro) Grendels
Winged Desert
Animal Norns
Purple Mountain Norns (ingame) Fuzzy Norns Solar Ettins
Blarp Norns
Eryx Grendels
Winged Emerald
Forest Norns (ingame) Tiger Norns
Fantasia Norns
Camelot Norns Dusky Grendels
Winged Pixies
Ron Norns (ingame) Goat Norns
God Norns
Snowfairy Norns Pyrite Grendels
Draconian Grendels
Winged Golden Desert
Desert Norns/Hebe (ingame) Desert Norns from Hell
Sunny Norns
Hivemind Ettins Hulk Grendels
Hippi Norns
Emerald Norns/Malay (ingame) Emerald Norns from Hell
Blueberry Norns
Furry Ettins
Ivy Norns (C2toC3toC2)
Green Meanie Grendels
Ice Shadow Tiggers
Pixie Norns (ingame) Pixie Norns from Hell
Easter Norns
Absolute Ettins
Dewa NornsV1
Dewa NornsV2
Jungle Norns (C3toC2)
Dragonfly Norns
Golden Desert Norns (LifeKit1, CLabs) Kai Norns Konfetti Norns Seaweed Grendels
Bahama Norns
Frog Norns (LifeKit2, CLabs) Higgledy Piggledy Norns
Winged Pachyderm
Leopard Ettins
Purple Flames
Ladybird Norns
MerNorns Mercury Norns
Paradise Norns
Starelf Norns Mickey Norns
Franken Norns
Micro Santa
Mimikry Norns
Valentine Norns Color Norns White Dynamite Grendels
Albia Grays
Devil Norns
Glow Norns
Mice Norns
Albia Grays form Hell
Shiny NornsV2
Zodiac Norns Cloud Norns
Findhao Norns
Bird Norns
Lyca Norns
Pegasus Norns Alien Ettins Pyjama Norns
Melange Norns
Cat Norns
Pumuckl Norns
Ice Norns
Phantom Norns
Primrose Norns (CAtoC2)
Giraffen Norns
Fire Norns
Plant Norns
Radioactiv Norns
Blizzard Norns
Gryme Grendels
Aardvark Norns
Borg Norn
Draco Norns
Rad Norn
Pippin Norns (CAtoC2)
Season Norns
Amphibian Dragon Norns
Daffodil Pixies
Scorpio Norns
Dog Norns
Skele Norns
Spring Norns
Spotted Lizard Ettins
Schlumpf Norns
Spore Grendels
Tiki Norns
Monsoon/Vishnu Norns
Bavaria Norns
Malay Norns (CAtoC2)
Trans Ettins Flora Norns
Maned Peacock Norns
Norcon Norns
UniNorns Pallid Ettins Uriel Norns
Denali Norns
Candy Cane Norns
Kanga Norns
Paon Norns
Morrigan's Lake Norns Thorny Grendels
Space Norns
Sibirian Wulf Norns
Werwolf Norn
Turtle Norns Wolfling Norns Midsummer Norns
Blarp Norns
Cheap Norns
Igua Norns (Montu)
Sphinx Norns
Borg Norns
Alba Norns (CAtoC2)
Wizzered Norns
Foxi Norns
Hell Ettins/Micro Ettins
Furry Essex Norns
C3 Grendels
Strawberry Norns
Hokuspokus Norns
Croya Norns
Spotted Norns
Stella Norns Pegasus Ettins
DigiPoint Norns
Red Orchid Norns
Lyca Norns
Tye Dye Norns
Zebra Norns Aesir Ettins
Rubin Norns
Killi Norns

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