Panatree Potion Vendor DS/DS Docked/C3 Version 3.0 Feb, 07/04 *Installing* Put all files into your Docking station or Creatures 3 Agent folder, there should be a total of 1 agent file and 1 readme file. Start up DS or C3, go to your agent creator and you will find 1 new agent: -Paratreea Potion Vendor (DS) or (C3) depending whar program you are using. Warning: You must have the paratreea potion injected into your creatures world for this to work! *Credit/Links/Copyright* Visit the Creatures Mainframe web site at: Visit the offical creatures site here at: *Contact* If you have any problems or comments on the file(s) please send your e-mails to *Copyright* Copyright © 2000 - 2004 Ryan Mansfield All images, code, COBs, writings, agents, the creatures mainframe site are property of Ryan Mansfield [AKA MNB] (Unless otherwise specified) and are not to be used without writtin permission from him. You may not reproduce, copy, or redistribute any files, images, content, found in/on this file, or any other product that is copyright of Ryan Mansfield. If this has not been made clear enough for you e-mail me via the above address! *Gameware Development Ltd* Gameware Development, Creature Labs, CyberLife, Creatures, Creatures Adventures and Creatures Playground are registered trademarks of Gameware Development Ltd.. The Gameware Development, Creatures, Creatures 2, Creatures 3, Creatures Adventures, Creatures Playground, and Docking Station logos are trademarks of Gameware Development Ltd. in the United Kingdom and other countries.