Hey Hey FTP surfer-type person. You may be wondering why you've just stumbled upon One Hundred and Twenty Two .ZIP files of Norns, well if you are wondering that, then you need to be enlightened. To put it simply, about a year and a half ago, I had a pretty big population boom in my C1 Albia. About nine new Eggs were hatching each day, so, I had to find something to do with them all, because they were eating up my hard Drive Space (back my old system only had an 800meg drive), so I opened up Microsoft Backup, and placed the lot of them into a QIC file, placed them on a ZIPdisk, and forgot about them, until a few months back. I was sorting through some files, and I found the old QIC file, and all of my old Norns. Imagine my delight at seeing some of the first Norns that I ever hatched, walking around my C1 & C2 Albias. Unfortunatley, there are still way too many for me to handle, so I've uploaded them here, in hopes that maybe someone would be able to find some use for them. There are currently One Hundred and Twenty two of them up for download. -Ping (Ping@albia.demon.co.uk)