Spicy Bouncing Plums

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Original File Exoticplums-Spicyplum.zip
  • Docking Station
  • Mea
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Juicy bouncy plums. Despite being so juicy, these plums have a spicy bite.

Text File Composite

::----- spicy-plum-readme.rtf -----::
Based on the original bouncing plum code by Laura.  Sprites and code changes by Mea.
 Exotic bouncy plums.  Each one does something a bit more than a normal bouncy plum does.
 To match their firey orange color, these spicy plums have a bite.  They give hotness, but I didn't want them to be lethally hot to creatures, so they also give water to help cool the creature down as well.  I'm not sure if I have the balance of hotness vs water correct for the original idea, which was to make a fruit to keep heat loving creatures warm in cold areas.  They might also be dangerous to cold loving creatures.