*************Creature - Lay egg - involuntary[1] scrp 4 0 0 65 ltcy 1 8 64 *if being carried or in vehicle then stop doif movs ne 0 stop endi *ELSE if you are pregnant doif gtos 1 ne "" pose 108 wait 40 pose 109 inst seta va00 targ sets va04 gtos 0 * find last egg, and lay it * va50 - egg number setv va50 1 loop addv va50 1 untl gtos va50 = "" subv va50 1 targ ownr dbg: asrt gtos va50 <> "" setv va01 posl addv va01 rand 14 18 setv va02 dfty setv va03 rand 0 10 mulv va03 8 setv va99 gnus *create an egg with your baby's moniker doif va99 = 2 * grendel new: simp 3 4 2 "greneggmask" 7 1 10 elif va99 = 3 * ettin new: simp 3 4 3 "greneggmask" 7 8 10 else * norn or geat new: simp 3 4 1 "eggs" 8 va03 2000 endi pose 0 elas 10 fric 100 attr 195 bhvr 32 aero 10 accg 4 perm 60 subv va02 hght mvsf va01 va02 ** if norn egg emit egg smell doif va99 eq 1 emit 11 0.65 endi * this moves the gene out of the * mother and into the egg - making * her not pregnant, and the egg * contain the gene at the same time gene move targ 1 va00 va50 * temperature dependent gender setv ov01 0 *the following lines commented out to get rid of the seasonal gender bias * doif sean = 0 or sean = 2 * spring or autumn * setv ov01 rand 0 1 * endi * doif sean = 0 * spring * mulv ov01 2 * endi dbg: asrt ov01 = 0 or ov01 = 1 or ov01 = 2 * laying events to the embryo in the egg hist evnt gtos 1 11 va04 "" * and the mother hist evnt va04 12 gtos 1 "" tick 900 slow targ ownr pose 110 *stim yourself with I've just laid an egg stim writ ownr 29 1 wait 60 endi endm