Ball Pack

Ball Pack thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Ball
  • Creatures 2
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File Size: 67 KB

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This pack contains Nina's eight colorful ball toys. All of them except the last help creatures feel less lonely and afraid, and most have other effects, too, which are detailed on the wiki page:

The normal red and white ball is, in fact, the normal red and white ball that comes with C2. You can add as many as you want, but removing that COB will remove all of them, not just the ones you added!

Text File Composite

::----- Readme.txt -----::
This file COB is intended ONLY FOR CREATURES2!

The requirements: Latest Object Injector,from
The image created in a format 5-5-5(16 bit). If your computer works in a 5-6-5(32bit)format,try change you comp's adjustment,or notify me and I shall send you images in the appropriate format.

To use place cob file into Creatures2/Objects folder
You free to post this files on you page,but you need inform me about it.
The image and COB file created by me.

My email                           and url

Ýòîò COB ôàéë ñäåëàí ÒÎËÜÊÎ äëÿ Creatures2!
Äëÿ ðàáîòû ýòîãî êîáà âàì íóæíî óñòàíîâèòü latest Object Injector ñ
Ñïðàéòû ýòîãî êîáà ñäåëàíû â ôîðìàòå 5-5-5(16áèò),íî åñëè âàø êîìïüþòåð íàñòðîåí íà 5-6-5 ôîðìàò(36áèò),òî ëèáî íåðåíàñòðîéòå åãî,ëèáî íàïèøèòå ìíå è ÿ âûøëþ âàì ñïðàéòû âàøåãî ôîðìàòà. 

Äëÿ ðàáîòû ïîìåñòèòå cob ôàéë â Creatures2/Objects ïàïêó
Âû ìîæåòå ïîìåñòèòü ýòîò êîá íà âàøó ñòðàíèöó,íî ïîòðóäèòåñü èçâåñòèòü ìåíÿ îá ýòîì,ëàäíî?
Êîá è âñå ñïðàéòû ñäåëàëà ÿ.
Ìîé åìàèë                     è url

Agent Contents

Extra Blue and Green Ball

Cute Extra Blue And Green Ball will suppress of anger of your Norns, will remove a stress and will warm.


Extra Light-Blue Ball

Cute Extra Light-Blue Ball, like a original Extra-Red-and-White-Ball, will jump up and to amuse your Norns!


Extra Pink Ball

Cute Extra Pink Ball will force your Norns to forget about hunger,will lower a level of tiredness and sleepiness slightly.


Extra Red and Green Ball

Cute Extra Red And Green Ball will give the award and will lower famine slightly.


Extra Violet Ball

Cute Extra Violet Ball, will entertain your Norns, will lower a level of an suffocation and will become to blow on them by air.Super for the Norns with inherent "suffocation problems"!


Extra Yellou Ball

Cute Extra Yellou Ball,will amuse your Norns,will lower a level hotness and pain,will raise sex drive.For Norns,with which is sick,at which heat and for those who does not want to have children! ;)



Cute ExtraGreenBall, like a original Extra-Red-and-White-Ball, will jump up and to amuse your Norns!



The Original Creatures 2 Extra Red and White beach Ball.Only now you can inject as many as you want.


Other Images

Agent Preview - ExtraGreenBall
Agent Preview - ExtraGreenBall
Agent Preview - Extra Violet Ball
Agent Preview - Extra Violet Ball
Agent Preview - ExtraRed&WhiteBall
Agent Preview - ExtraRed&WhiteBall
Agent Preview - Extra Blue and Green Ball
Agent Preview - Extra Blue and Green Ball
Agent Preview - Extra Light-Blue Ball
Agent Preview - Extra Light-Blue Ball
Agent Preview - Extra Yellou Ball
Agent Preview - Extra Yellou Ball
Agent Preview - Extra Pink Ball
Agent Preview - Extra Pink Ball