New Aquanorns

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New Aquanorns by Yomegami for Docking Station, contains new genetics

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::----- New Aquanorns Readme.txt -----::
NEW AQUANORNS of Grendel Man

Tomtschek's and Alien's Aquanorns are one of the few "mer-breeds" for C3/DS, and to this day are the only C3/DS "mer-breed" with a C3/DS style (the Pearl Mermaids are converted C2 norns apart from their tails). While some think they look goofy, they're still a well-done breed, and one of my old favorites. 

Since they're a fairly old breed and as such are non-CFE by default, and since I wanted a swimming, aquatic norn genome for future puporses, I decided to create this new genome for the aquanorns that has all the edits I put into my breeds these days. 

The original aquanorns had this list of features:
*Swim with the swimmeragent included alongside them (and in Norngarden 4)
*Eat critters in addition to normal foodstuffs
*Will attempt to use a lift to "go down" when not in water, in an attempt to find water. 

This new genome is pretty similar to the original genome apart from my base edits. They're still amphibious, they can still swim, and still will look for a lift when they're not in water. However, they have a number of differences from the originals besides.

First off, they swim with my swimming agent instead of the aquanorn original (they still can't swim naturally until adolescence, however). In addition, they also have a set of edits similar to the Swim Bladder from KittyTikara's astro tetras; pregnant females will eventually fall asleep and stop swimming so they can lay their egg naturally.

The compulsion to "go down" when not in water is a little less intense than it was in the originals, though they'll still want to go down eventually. 

They're still partially carnivorous like the original aquanorns. Critters are a better source of protein than normal foodstuffs and are more nutritious for them than food is. They still need a source of starch like seeds or fruit, however, and will happily eat normal foodstuffs if they have a chance to.

They are more social than the originals and won't get crowded as easily, though they'll still need some alone time every now and then. 

Finally, they crawl around on all fours for most of their lifespan, much like the originals. Actually, they'll crawl more than the originals. 

This is just a new genome for the Aquanorns. You'll still need the Aquanorn sprites (Ettin K) for them to actually look like Aquanorns; the sprites are not included in this download. 

Installation: Put the .agents file into your "Creatures 3/My Agents" or "Docking Station/My Agents" folder, and you should be able to lay New Aquanorn eggs with the Norn Egg Layer (C3) or Muco (DS). Note that the breed is simply called "Aquanorns" in the list of breeds. 

I would prefer it if you did not host this genome on your own site unless the Realm goes down and you cannot contact me. 

Questions? Comments? E-mail *****