C1 Medicinal Compound

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Original File C1 Medicinal Compound.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Steve Dismukes
  • Risen Angel
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Lily the Pink's celebrated Medicinal Compound is most efficacious in every case. When a creature takes a sip, they're given lots of helpful chemicals to speed up the healing process and generally make them feel better. It's wonderful for sick creatures, though it might be a good idea to keep it away from Toxic Norns or other such creatures.

However, healthy creatures can still enjoy Medicinal Compound...by getting drunk off it. It is highly alcoholic, to the point that a single sip is enough to get most creatures smashed.

The bottle of Medicinal Compound has the classifier 2 25 18800, and is seen as a "potion" to creatures.

This agent was originally created for Creatures 1 by Steve Dismukes of Fig's Tree. Converted to C3/DS by Risen Angel.

Text File Composite

::----- Medicinal Compound Readme.txt -----::
MEDICINAL COMPOUND of Steve Dismukes and Grendel Man

This agent was originally created for Creatures 1 by Steve Dismukes of Fig's Tree. It was one of my favorite C1 COBs, and so I decided to convert it to C3/DS. 

Lily the Pink's celebrated Medicinal Compound is most efficacious in every case. When a creature takes a sip, they're given lots of helpful chemicals to speed up the healing process and generally make them feel better. It's wonderful for sick creatures, though it might be a good idea to keep it away from Toxic Norns or other such creatures.

However, healthy creatures can still enjoy Medicinal Compound...by getting drunk off it. It is *highly* alcoholic, to the point that a single sip is enough to get most creatures smashed. 

The bottle of Medicinal Compound has the classifier 2 25 18800, and is seen as a "potion" to creatures.

Installation: Put the .agents file into your "Creatures 3/My Agents" folder or "Docking Station/My Agents" folder, and you should be able to inject the Medicinal Compound with the Creator (C3) or Agent Injector (DS). 

I would prefer it if you did not host this agent on your own site unless the Realm goes down and you cannot contact me. 

Questions? Comments? E-mail *****@hotmail.com.

Other Images

Agent Preview - Medicinal Compound (C3)
Agent Preview - Medicinal Compound (C3)